Brian May Shares The Possible Expiration Date For Queen

In a recent chat with Planet Rock Queen guitarist Brian May revealed whether their upcoming tour will be their last. The guitarist shared what he thinks about the possible expiration date for the band by explaining:

“I don’t know how long my legs will deal with what I have to do out there, and the hands too. You get problems as you get older, which you don’t really want to talk about, but it makes doing what you do that bit harder every time.”

May admitted that although he can rock on stage now doesn’t mean that he will be able to forever. He added:

“I don’t want people to be thinking about that when they see me doing my stuff because I will be over it – adrenaline will take over and I’ll be able to handle it. But there will come a day when we can’t, it’s not going to work. For the time being, if we can do it we do it.”

Queen is gearing up to kick off ‘Rhapsody Tour 2023’ on October 4th in Baltimore. It will wrap up in mid-November in L.A. However Brian admitted that this might be the band’s last international tour as he expressed:

“To be truthful, this next tour will be two months away from home and it’s impossible to get back from the States. And as I get older that’s harder and harder to do. There’s too much stuff that I want to be in contact with at home.”

The guitarist had also recently opened up to Express and confessed that he was on the cusp of retirement and that a long tour won’t probably be on the cards for him again. But, he did mention to Planet Rock that he would be up for shorter runs that are close to home by saying:

“I’m thinking maybe it [the next US tour] will be the last time I want to be away from home for such a long time, because I don’t know how much time I have left. I would probably prefer to do it in shorter stabs (of time).”

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