Dave Mustaine Issues An Ultimatum After Security Attacks Concert Attendees

Dave Mustaine cut Megadeth’s performance of ‘Symphony of Destruction’ mid-song because of a fight between an audience member and the venue’s security staff in Bloomington, Illinois, on Wednesday (September 27). Calling out the incident, he said:

“Hey, hey, hey, stop, stop, stop. Dudes, don’t be f**king hitting people. That’s totally uncool.”

As the conflict went on, the singer walked to the side stage and pointed at the involved security members, yelling:

“Hey, f**king stop hitting that guy.”

After that, security went back to the front of the platform, and Mustaine leaned over to talk to the rest of the staff privately. When he returned to his spot, he announced:

“Okay, I’m not going to play anymore until those guys are escorted out of the building, so just hold on a second.”

Referring directly to the offending security staff, the Megadeth vocalist continued:

“That was so f**king unnecessary. That was so f**king unnecessary, you guys. You’re supposed to make it … what’s on the back of your shirt? Safety? It should say ‘No F**king Safety’ cause you guys are punks, and you shouldn’t have f**king hit that guy. Four of you on one guy, what a bunch of p**sies. Get ’em out of here, or I’m leaving. I don’t want to hear that they’re in the back. I want them out of here.”

Later, Mustaine stepped aside again, speaking with the police officer and taking a short break to wipe his sweat. Returning to the stage, he addressed the audience, saying:

“Those motherf**kers wrecked my song.”

The singer also thanked the police for their efforts and asked the crowd not to hold the incident against the rest of the team. He said seeing the group of securities tackling an audience member angered him and added:

“Sorry, that stuff just makes me so mad. I hate bullies.”

After the incident, Megadeth continued the concert, ending the night with ‘Holy Wars.’ Now, the band is set to go on its tour with upcoming performances in Fargo, North Dakota, and Prior Lake.

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