Teen allegedly bullied over friendship with 50 Cent

The mother of a 14-year-old teenage boy is suing the Department of Education for $5.5 million after her son was continuously bullied over his friendship with 50 Cent.

According to the New York Daily News, Myasia Dickerson believes her son Davian Fraser’s friendship with 50 resulted in him getting assaulted at Williamsburg Charter School.

Dickerson says that after students learned about Fraser’s relationship with 50, he became a target.

“It caused a big uproar in the school,” Dickerson told the New York Daily News. “The kids started to follow my son around, tried to put him on Snapchat, tried to take videos of him. They were following him to the train station.”

Allegedly, during one of Fraser’s lunch breaks, four classmates came up to him near a stairwell and started punching him. “He was attacked from behind as he tried to walk away,” Dickerson said. “He was punched in the head and then the student proceeded to fight him and then he slammed my son’s head onto the ground.”

A police report stated that in another incident, Fraser was followed to his locker by another student. The student hit Fraser in the back of the head and slammed his head into the stairwell floor. No one was arrested.

His mother claims that he sustained injuries to his head and neck and endured emotional and psychological trauma. She blamed the school for not protecting her son from the attacks.

Fraser met 50 in 2016 and the boy became known as the rapper’s “third son.” 50 shared photos of Fraser on Instagram. “My life is full of surprises,” 50 wrote in the since-deleted post. “This little guy is my son DAVIAN. He started crying, I was thinking why you crying i gotta pay for this shit. LMAO.”

In 2016, 50’s team released a statement to E! News denying that Fraser was his son. “Curtis ’50 Cent’ Jackson does not have a third son,” the statement read. “However he was immediately drawn to this young boy’s story much like his own, the 10-year-old is growing up under rough circumstances so he has decided to help mentor him and get him the education he deserves.”

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